Nithila P. Peter, Ph.D
​Dr. Peter's framework is grounded in an inter-disciplinary framework. While rigorous, it is also highly practical, insightful and clear. She has synthesized an unusual range of intellectual histories on emotions in the context of the challenges great business histories have addressed, to intuitively create cultures of emotional intelligence. She prepares her clients with diagnostic tools that enable an insightful appraisal of situations so that they may navigate emotions in authentic ways to ensure a powerful expression of key competencies, dependent on EI.
Her storytelling style, cinematic meditations, multi-modal interactive presentations
are central elements of her consulting and coaching practice.
Co-founder of niche consulting firm, eiLeads. She customizes copyright-protected frameworks to empower clients with emotional intelligence + allied multiple competencies to COMPEL, MOTIVATE and ADVANCE, stories of great leadership.
To start a conversation with Nithila Peter, PhD, contact her at: